ya i work on flash every now and then but when i actually submit things it either gets blammed like some [KK] (kitty krew) flash and it makes me mad how i spend a whole day working and i get shit revues from people who cant animate. now im not askin for a front page but i kninda want some body to say " i liked it" but nothing..
i also think no one is going to reply
Oh also, work on spelling correctly on the internet, and whatever you do, DO NOT create videogame parodies, or sprite movies, if you're serious about animating and actually want to be commissioned and get money and stuff, don't do those, there is a very VERY small majority of people who are actually looking for that when they hire, Egoraptor is an exception.
I know I have made sprite movies but I'm straying away from that, it's just a quick hash-out way of making animation.